Notable Blacks of Cleveland

Notable Blacks of Cleveland contains approximately 2000 images of 500 individuals selected from the photographs in the Cleveland Press Collection. This collection was donated to the Cleveland State University Library when that newspaper ceased publication in 1982. The photographs in the collection generally date from the 1920's on, with most of them from 1960 to 1982. The collection is arranged alphabetically by the last name of the individuals. Links have been provided to biographies that are available in the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History.

In order to be included in Notable Blacks of Cleveland, an individual had to be either born or raised in the greater Cleveland area or have lived a significant part of his/her life in the region. We have attempted to include individuals who made a significant contribution beyond their own personal and family life to the history and development of Cleveland. Only a few professional sports figures have been included as the University Library had planned a separate site devoted to Cleveland sports figures.

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