Roldo Bartimole: Point of View

Cleveland Magazine called him "the poor man's Tom Paine." John Wicklein in the April 1, 1993 issue of Progressive referred to him as "Cleveland's Gadfly." Whether you consider him to be Cleveland's conscience or "Cleveland's curmudgeon," from 1968 to 2000 iconoclastic journalist, Roldo Bartimole, rocked Cleveland's political boat with his biweekly newsletter, Point of View. Read more about Roldo.
- Roldo Bartimole: A Biographical Sketch
Who is Roldo Bartimole? Why is he known as a modern-day muckracker? What is the driving force behind his home-grown newsletter? - Point of View
Read issues of this biweekly newsletter that took a critical look at the power structure in Cleveland, reporting on the wealthy's control of the city's agenda to the detriment of its working-class and poor residents. - City Club Talk
Listen to the passionate and poignant speech delivered by Roldo Bartimole to members of the Cleveland City Club back on December 20, 1968. Enjoy the verbal sparing that took place during the Question Period.