The following material replicates, as closely as practical in a digital format, the original text of the Annals of Cleveland, produced during the late 1930s. To view graphic examples of pages from the printed volumes, select "Example" for each heading below. [Note: examples are taken from Volumes VI, VII, VIII, 1823, 1824 and 1825, Herald.] To view introductory material, scroll down the page or select from the menu below:
ANNALS OF CLEVELAND 1818 - 1935 A Digest and Index of the Newspaper Record of Events and Opinions 1818, 1819, 1820 Volume I Reproduced from the files of the Cleveland REGISTER Multigraphed by the Cleveland WPA Project 16823 Cleveland, Ohio 1938 Distributed by the Cleveland Public Library
Volume one of the ANNALS OF CLEVELAND reproduces the entire file of the earliest Cleveland newspaper, the first number of which appeared July 31, 1818 under the title CLEAVELAND GAZETTE AND COMMERCIAL REGISTER. On October 6, 1818, the title was abridged to CLEAVELAND REGISTER and continued under this name until March 7, 1820 when publication of the REGISTER was discontinued. During this period the newspaper appeared weekly under the editorship of Andrew Logan. In November of 1819, Logan took into partnership Carlos V. Hickcox, who remained as an editor until the end of the REGISTER'S existence. In the production of this volume, newspaper articles have been multigraphed and numbered in the order in which they originally appeared. Classification according to the standard subject headings used in succeeding volumes of the ANNALS OF CLEVELAND had been accomplished by the index. Errors in spelling and all mechanical errors have been retained. Omissions in the text due to damages to the original file have been noted. Reference Line - CR Nov. 9; ed:2/1 - indicates that the article following this reference was an editorial taken from the Cleaveland REGISTER of November 9, page two, column one. An "adv" in the reference indicates that the following article was an advertisement. The number in parenthesis at the end of the article indicates the number of inches the article represented in the original file. The newspaper file used in the production of this volume was made available through the courtesy of Mr. Wallace Cathcart of Western Reserve Historical Society.
(From Annals of Cleveland - 1818-1935, Volume I (1818, 1819, 1820). Cleveland: Cleveland WPA. 1938.)
Last updated June 14, 1999 |