The following material replicates, as closely as practical in a digital format, the original text of the Annals of Cleveland, produced during the late 1930s. To view graphic examples of pages from the printed volumes, select "Example" for each heading below. [Note: examples are taken from Volumes VI, VII, VIII, 1823, 1824 and 1825, Herald.] To view introductory material, scroll down the page or select from the menu below:
ANNALS OF CLEVELAND 1818 - 1935 A Digest and Index of the Newspaper Record of Events and Opinions 1823, 1824, 1825 Volumes VI, VII, VIII Abstracted by A. E. Marcus Multigraphed by the Cleveland WPA Project 16823 Cleveland, Ohio 1938 Distributed by the Cleveland Public Library
In the ANNALS OF CLEVELAND, an attempt is made to answer a need long felt by scholars; that of preserving and making readily accessible the detailed record of a city's life and culture as contained in its newspapers. The Annals are to be set of at least one volume per year, covering the 1818 – 1935 and including an abstract of every newspaper story that had recorded a local event or expressed a local opinion. Abstracts are filed chronologically under subject headings alphabetically ordered. The abstracts thus arranges are numbered consecutively. A chronological index brings together by number all abstracts from the newspaper of a given date, and a proper names and subject heading index offers an additional check. The editors have sought to preserve and arrange in this series information that is nowhere else available and readily subject to control. To avoid duplication they have concentrated their efforts on one major newspaper file - the principal one for the period. This method of work leaves our of account the diversities of opinion expressed by others newspapers. In the hope that the other files may be covered in respect of opinions there expressed, the present volume is numbered Part I. Part II, when and as produced, will complete the presentation of opinion from the other sources. The file of the Cleveland HERALD had been used in preparation of these volumes. Z. Willes edited the HERALD in there years. Reference Line - H Dec. 5; ed:2/1 indicates that the article following this reference was an editorial taken from the HERALD of Dec. 5, page two, column one. An "adv" in the reference line indicates that the abstract was made from an advertisement. The number in parenthesis at the end of the abstract indicated the number of inches in the original newspaper article. Newspaper files used in abstracting were available through the courtesy of Mr. Wallace Cathcart, of Western Reserve Historical Society, Miss Linda Eastman, of the Cleveland Public Library, the Cleveland City Council, Mr. Louis Seltzer of the Cleveland PRESS, and Mr. Earle Martin of the Cleveland NEWS. Miss Marilla Freeman and MR. William Lippert of the Cleveland Public Library and the City Clerk's Office have been of great assistance.
(From Annals of Cleveland - 1818-1935, Volume VI, VII and VIII (1823, 1824 and 1825). Cleveland: Cleveland WPA. 1938.)
Last updated June 15, 1999 |