[note: for the digital edition, "abstract" has been included at the beginning of each reference line, and the name of the newspaper has been spelled out in the first reference line of each page.]
* Digitized Material *
Abstract 36 - Whig Jan. 7:3/1
The proceedings of a meeting held at the Cleveland House on Monday evening will be found in this paper. The report of the committee of the Warren convention referred to in the proceedings will be published next week; our limits do not permit its insertion in this paper. (verbatim)
Abstract 37 - Whig Jan. 7:3/2
At an adjourned meeting of the citizens of Cleveland, held at the Cleveland House on Monday evening last to adopt and recommend measures in reference to the contemplated improvement to connect the Ohio and Pennsylvania canals, John W. Willey, Esq., was called to the chair, and J. A. Briggs was appointed secretary.
On motion, the secretary read the report of the committee of the, Warren convention made in November, 1833, on the subject of the proposed canal.
L. L. Rice, from the committee previously appointed to prepare resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, read the following, which Here adopted: That the proposed union of the Pennsylvania with the Ohio canal is an object of great importance to the interests of this section of the county; that of the several routes by which such union is proposed to effected, in the opinion of this meeting, the northern route by the Mahoning valley and the Ravenna summit, possesses decided advantages over any other; that from the evidence furnished by the committee appointed the canal convention at Warren in November 1833 (which committee was posed of distinguished gentlemen from the city of Philadelphia and the county of Allegheny, Pa.) and from other sources, there remains no doubt that the Mahoning route is by nature well supplied with every facility for a speedy and cheap construction of such a canal, and for its permanent supply of water when completed; that the increasing business of the Ohio canal and the scanty supply of water at the Akron summit, render it a proper subject of inquiry with the legislature, whether the proposed canal to terminate at that place, is not essential to the interests of the whole state; that while we would by no means interfere with the enterprise or the interests of the inhabitants of any other section of the state, yet we deem it our duty, and claim it as a privileges, to profit, by such natural advantages as we possess; that a committee of five be appointed to prepare and obtain signatures to a memorial to the legislature forthwith, praying them to extend the time required for the completion of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, and to grant it. the patronage of the state by extending to it the privileges already granted to the Sandy and Beaver route, or by purchasing the charter and prosecuting it a state-enterprise, or in such other way as they in their wisdom may judge expedient.
Messrs. B. Andrew, John Blair, N.C. Baldwin, J.C. Kennedy, and L. L. Rice were appointed to said committee. (18)
Abstract 38 – Whig Jan. 7:3/2
The collector of canal tolls at this place, D. H. Beardley, Esq., has obligingly furnished us with the statement which follows of business connected with the canal done at this place during the past and preceding years. It will be seen by an examination of it that the amount of some articles, such as flaxseed, coal, pork, lard, lumber, &c. which arrived by way of the canal has materially increased, while others as wheat, corn, ashes, butter, cheese, iron, &c. have as materially diminished. The curious can make their own estimates and speculations on the subject.
The amount of tolls for the last, compared with the preceding year, does not express the comparative quantity transported, inasmuch as the tolls on some articles were much increased the latter part of the last season.
Comparative statement of most of the different kinds of property which arrived at, or was cleared from Cleveland by way of the canal during the years of 1833 and 1834 -
ARRIVED | 1833 | 1834 |
Bushels wheat | 386,760 | 333,864 |
" " flaxseed | 6,493 | 17,291 |
" " corn | 74,913 | 2,653 |
" " mineral coal | 49,131 | 95,634 |
Barrels flour | 98,302 | 105,326 |
" " pork | 22,758 | 33,884 |
" " whiskey | 2,445 | 2,481 |
Casks linseed oil | 233 | 612 |
Pounds ashes | 175,847 | 65,895 |
" " butter | 830,312 | 342,006 |
" " cheese | 54,123 | 26,812 |
" " lard | 498,724 | 825,648 |
" " pig iron | 2,147,822 | 1,572,987 |
Hogsheads tobacco | 1,192 | 2,331 |
Feet lumber | 808,345 | 1,037,514 |
Perches stone | 1,471 | 5,052 |
Barrels salt | 28,447 | 36,803 |
" " fish | 4,033 | 4,204 |
Pounds merchandise | 9,896,444 | 10,217,613 |
" " furniture | 1,433,228 | 1,558,988 |
" " gypsum | 1,183,197 | 442,860 |
Feet lumber | 280,970 | 96,031 |
Thousand shingles | 615 | 987 |
Pairs millstones | 17 | 18 |
The whole amount of freight on which toll is charged by the weight that arrived in Cleveland by way of the canal in 1833 was 70,017,610 pounds; in 1834 it was 74,044,487 pounds. The total number of pounds cleared at Cleveland by way of the canal in 1833 was 23,580,802; in 1834 it was 26,837,956.
The amount of tolls collected in Cleveland in 1833 was $52,055.82; in 1834 it was $61,669.98.
The highest toll ever received by the collector at Cleveland on a single cargo was paid in September last by the master of the boat BALTIC, belonging to the Ohio, Troy and Erie line, amounting to $351.
The whole number of clearances (exclusive of permits) issued from the collector's office at this place in 1833 was 1,280; in 1834 it was 1,431. (verbatim)(10)
Abstract 39 – Whig Jan. 14; ed:2/6
The report on the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal by the canal meeting in this village is inserted on the first page of this paper. Its history, briefly, is as follows: A convention was held at Warren in the fall of 1833, composed of delegates from the counties of Portage, Trumbull, Columbiana, Stark, and Wayne in Ohio, and Allegheny, Beaver, Mercer, and Philadelphia counties in Pennsylvania. At that convention, the delegates from Philadelphia and Allegheny counties, Pennsylvania, as being those most disinterested, were appointed a committee to examine the different routes personally after the adjournment of the covention and report thereon upon their return to Pittsburgh. The report gives the result of their personal inspection and examination. It is highly interesting and is entitled to great weight.
We are happy to say that from conversation with a gentleman from Portage county just returned from Columbus, that the prospects are very favorable for the canal in which we are interested; that the canal commissioners are expected to report in favor of it; and that the legislature will either enter upon it as a state enterprise, or otherwise afford it substantial aid.
A movement has already been made toward a continuation of the Sandy and Beaver canal, if the latter should be made from Bolivar west to Richland county. If such a continuation is feasible, of course, we cannot object to it, but we beg the citizens of Cleveland to look a moment at the effect upon this place of such a canal through that section of the state without a similar one through this region. A moment's reflection will convince any one that it is a subject in which we are deeply interested. (15)
Abstract 40 - Whig Jan. 14; ed:2/7
The project of a ship canal around the falls Niagara to connect Lakes Erie and :Ontario is seriously contemplated. Application will immediately be made to the New York legislature for the incorporation of a company with a capital of $1,000,000, to construct a canal sufficiently spacious to admit the passage of all such vessels and steamboats as navigate the lakes.
"The idea is a bold one, but the work can doubtless be accomplished."
Abstract 41 – Whig Feb. 18; ed:3/2
The canal commissioners' report, though it occupies considerable space in our columns this week, is one of those interesting public papers that must not be suffered to pass unnoticed. In addition to the usual importance attached to similar reports, there are two or three points of especial interest at this time.
It will be seen that the views of the board with respect to the importance and locality of a communication between the Pennsylvania and Ohio canals entirely concur with those of the friends of the northern or Mahoning route, in which the people of this place and the vicinity are interested. It will be seen that the commissioners believe that the several acts of former legislatures, granting certain immunities to the Sandy and Beaver and other branch canals, by appropriating the proceeds in part of the Grand canal to their use are unconstitutional, inasmuch as they conflict with previous acts and violate the implied conditions of former contracts between the state and those who loaned money for the prosecution of the state canals.
"Our information from Columbus renders it certain that the Legislature will either undertake the erection of the cross-cut as a state enterprise, or so patronize it as to ensure its execution by individuals. (9)
Abstract 42 - Whig Apr. 8; ed:2/7
"We are glad to perceive that the people of the counties most interested in the route of the cross-cut canal, are taking active measures for the speedy commencement and promotion of it."
Public meetings have been held in Trumbull and Portage counties, and active committees have been appointed on the subject.
It has been stated in the Warren CHRONICLE that $25.000 has already been subscribed in the county of Portage. This expression of confidence in the value of the stock is all that was wanting to induce the capitalists of Pennsylvania to subscribe for the whole amount. The Messrs. Sloane of Ravenna and King, of Warren, have been appointed to visit Pennsylvania for the purpose of arranging books for subscriptions. (5)
Abstract 43 - Whig Apr. 15; ed:2/1
The writer of an article published in the OHIO OBSERVER says: "Arrangements, I am told, are made not to send any canal boats from this port, load or unload them on the Sabbath."
It is not our province, as editor of this paper, to advocate the observance of the Sabbath, or its desecration. "But, we are so decidedly impressed with a belief that the interests, the comfort, and the reputation, of all concerned, would be promoted instead of prejudiced by such an arrangement, that we hesitate not to express our gratification at the information, and the hope that the results of the experiment will confirm the expediency and wisdom of the measure." (5)
Abstract 44 - Whig Apr. 22; ed:3/1
There has been, last evening being the fourth day since business commenced on the canal, 20 arrivals and 33 clearances - a large number of boats which had been here during the winter having departed without much loading. (verbatim) (1)
Abstract 45 - Whig Apr. 22; ed:3,/l
Last week we mentioned that the law of the last Ohio legislature for amending the charter of the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal co. had been recognized and confirmed by the Pennsylvania legislature. We now learn that that portion of the improvement bill for extending the canal from Pittsburgh to Erie, Pa., according to the Harrisburgh INTELLIGENCER, has been stricken out, both houses concurring.
"We construe this measure as an expression of the Pennsylvania Legislature, decidedly favorable to the Mahoning Canal." (3)
Abstract 46 - Whig Apr. 29; ed:3//l
Under the caption of "The Cross-cut Canal" we copy a short article from the Erie GAZETTE of Apr. 20. The feelings there expressed are perfectly natural, and such as we should all be likely to exercise under similar circumstances. But if our neighbors of Erie-will look at the whole subject, they cannot but see, that the interest of the commonwealth comes in collision with the interests of their, borough. Consider the vast importance of the western trade, to that section of country where its channel is established, the amount of revenue that must spring therefrom, and then look at the exertions which are making by another state to secure it.
"Most certainly the prize is worth obtaining; and it would scarce rebound to. the credit of the 'Key. State,' with all her known enterprizes, and resources, to fold her hands, while another should win the prize." (6)
Abstract 47 Whig May 6; ed:2/5
We are gratified to learn by an extra from the OHIO STAR of Saturday last that the most sanguine expectations of the friends of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal in connection with the disposal of its stock have been more than realized.
The subscription books were opened at Philadelphia on Apr. 27 and the whole amount of stock was taken in less than an hour! Mr. Sloane informs us that the estimated expense of constructing this canal from Akron to Newcastle is $872,000, but since stock could be obtained to any amount desired, it was concluded to extend the capital to $1,000,000, leaving a balance of over $200,000 to meet engagements already made in western Pennsylvania and Ohio.
It will thus be seen that the company has obtained funds, not only to meet the estimated expense for completing the canal, but also an overplus amply sufficient to meet any contingencies that can possibly arise.
Consequently, there remains no obstacle to the prosecution of the work
fast as it can be accomplished under the most favorable circumstances.
"It seems to us, that a very little reflection must convince any one
that this project is deeply interesting to the citizens of Cleveland,
and will open a new source of wealth, and give a new impetus to the
growth and prosperity of our place."
Abstract 48 - Whig May 13; ed: 1/2
It is reported that the whole of the stock for both the Mahoning and the Beaver canal routes has been taken in the city of Philadelphia. If so, they both will be built. The delay it navigation between this place and Buffalo this season has added much to the conviction that the communication between our canal and the Ohio river is indispensable to the interest of the country.
"We are informed that at the opening of the books in Philadelphia, agents from New York capitalists were on the spot, ready to purchase the whole of tile stock, doubtless with the design of getting it into their hands, and delaying the prosecution of the work until the charters should expire. But the Philadelphians got information of their intentions, and promptly stepped forward and defeated them.
"It is even stated in Bicknell's REPORTER, that it was: found on opening the books, that the committee who had the superintendence of them, had the themselves subscribed for the whole amount."
Abstract 49 - Whig May 13:2/5
"We doubt very much," says an editor hereabout, speaking of the prospects of the speedy construction of two cross-cuts to unite our canal with the Ohio river -
"We doubt very much the expediency of urging at one and the same time the construction of two such improvements."
It is not the editor's grammar that we would be picking at, but his ideas of expediency. If foreign capital should be employed for the purpose, it strikes us that it would be extremely expedient to build a canal through every tier of counties in the state - so far as the interests of the people of the state were concerned. (verbatim)
Abstract 50 - Whig Aug. 5; ed:2/7
The commissioners have determined on the Middlebury route for the termination of the cross-cut canal.
"This decision appears to have occasioned considerable excitement among the citizens of Cuyahoga Falls.... Whether they will succeed in accomplishing their wishes is perhaps a matter of question."
Abstract 51 - Whig Aug. 5; ed:3/2
It appears that another attempt has been made to introduce steam navigation upon the Erie canal.
"If this experiment does not, like several others of the same description, prove abortive, it will doubtless come into very general use, not only upon the Erie,, but also upon other canals."
Abstract 52 - Whig Aug. 12:1/1
We learn from the Philadelphia SUN that the whole amount of canal tolls paid into the state treasury from November, 1834, to July 14, 1835, was $361,429.88 - $200,000 more than was received during the corresponding season of last year. And, the Harrisburgh CHRONICLE states that the amount yet in the hands of the collectors must exceed $40,000; making a total on account of tolls from the close of the fiscal year of 1833-34 to the 14th ultimo exceed four hundred thousand dollars. (verbatim)
Abstract 53 - Whig Oct 21:1/3
The commissioners of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal have finally determined on the location of the western section via Cuyahoga Falls. (verbatim)
Abstract 54 - Whig Nov. 18; ed:l/l
The Wheeling GAZETTE says: Goods on the Ohio canal are 12 days on the passage from Cleveland to Portsmouth, a distance of about 250 miles. There are no packet boats to go at a greater speed. Why cannot the passage be effected in two and a half days? In the mean time, our steamboats and stages from Cincinnati get all the passengers destined to Lake Erie, which they reach in six days.
The foregoing is not characterized by the usual correctness of the editor of the Wheeling GAZETTE. In the first place, the length of the Ohio canal from Cleveland to Portsmouth is 309 miles, instead of about 250 miles. We learn on inquiry that the average time occupied in the passage of loaded boats from one extreme to the other is six days. Light boats, and occasionally loaded ones, make the trip in five days. The packets move at the rate of four miles on the level sections; they are limited to that speed by law. It is true that we have no regular packets on the canal at present, but many of the freight boats are fitted up in fine style.
"On inquiry at the Collector's office, we learn that 560 passengers were registered on this canal, all traveling northward, during the first nine days of the present month - and not less than 1,600 during all the month of October." (9)
Abstract 55 - Whig Dec. 30:2/6
In a letter to the editor, "An Inhabitant" says: "As everything connected with the prosperity of Cleveland is interesting to its inhabitants, and as you have invariably admitted into your valuable journal various plans for that purpose in times I now propose that you will suggest a new plan for the consideration of those whose interest lies on and near the Banks of the Canal. My plan is to create water privileges for the use of mechanics, by raising the Tow Path along the canal this side of the nearest Lock, and to petition the Legislature or canal, proprietors during their present session, for that purpose." (6)
(From Annals of Cleveland - 1818-1935, Volume XVIII (1835), pages 7 through 13. Cleveland: Cleveland WPA. 1937.)
This ends the entries for the Cleveland Whig, and for digitized materials concerning Canals and Canal Boats. The Annals of Cleveland continues through 1876, and most years contain abstracts on this subject. As resources become available, more of these materials will be digitized.
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Cleveland's First Infrastructure: the Ohio & Erie Canal from George Washington to Alfred Kelley
Last updated June 16, 1999