[note: for the digital edition, "abstract" has been included at the beginning of each reference line, and the name of the newspaper has been spelled out in the first reference line of each page.]
* Digitized Material *
Abstract 28 - H[erald] Jan. 19:1/3-6;2/1-6
The report of the canal commissioners presented to both houses of the general assembly on Dec. 27, 1826 was in part as follows: For the northern division of the Ohio Canal, at a meeting held in Columbus last winter, it was decided to continue the canal farther down the valley of the Cuyahoga river and terminate it by dropping into the river at the village of Cleaveland, thus substituting less than three miles of canal in lieu of over four miles of river. Reasons other than that of diminishing the distance brought about the decision; principally, the inconvenience caused to navigation by the short bends, also a sand bar and occasional inconvenience caused by driftwood were considers as detriments. The donations offered by the citizens of Cleaveland to the canal fund, conditioned on termination of the canal at that village, and the superior advantages to be gained by the water power thus created, also operated as inducements in bringing the terminal of the canal to a point nearer the lake. The added cost by the extension will be about $20,000, but this expense should be more than counterbalanced by the advantages.
The contract for construction of the canal north of Portage summit was let last February, and the date set for completion of this part is as early as that for completion of other parts. It is confidently believed that that part of the canal from Portage summit to the basin at Cleaveland terminal will be completed and ready for navigation by next June.(185)
Abstract 29 - H Jan. 19; ed: 3/1
We recommend to our readers the report of the canal commission published herein. It shows what has been done and what can be done by a state which but 24 years ago was part of the Northwest territory "terra incognita" to all intents, east of the mountains.
"She is yet in her infancy, and what may not be expected from her when at the maturity of her strength and sinew?" (3)
Abstract 30 - H Jan. 26; ed:3/1
"The Legislature has passed into a law the bill incorporating a Company to construct a Canal from the Portage Summit to Pittsburgh. Its provisions are extremely liberal." The canal is to commence at a point on the Portage summit of the Ohio canal as the Ohio canal commissioners shall direct; thence to the Mahoning river, and thence to meet or intersect the Pennsylvania or Chesapeake and Ohio canal at or near Pittsburgh.
Abstract 31 - H Feb. 2:3/2
In a letter to the editor, "H" says: In the published report of the canal commissioners I observe the statement of the effect that donations offered by the citizens of Cleaveland to the canal fund were conditioned on extending the canal to that village.
"This is the first intimation I have had of this. I recollect that a year ago one of the Acting Commissioners and Judge Bates, represented to the citizens of Cleaveland that the Canal could be brought to Cleaveland either on the east or west side of the Cuyahoga River - the expense of making the canal on the west side being estimated at about $6,000 less, and unless a subscription to that amount was raised, the interests of the State would induce location of the Canal on the west side."
Abstract 32 - H Feb. 16; ed:3/1
The legislature has fixed the pay of the acting canal commissioners at $3.50 per day.
"It is a station of great responsibility and requires much mental and bodily labor. In reference to these circumstances, the compensation should be graduated - the state is able to pay its agents as they should be. The sum now paid is certainly no more than a reasonable equivalent for the services rendered." (2)
Abstract 33 - H Feb. 23; adv:3/6
Proposals will be received at Cleveland until Feb. 27 for the construction of sections 117 and 118 of the Ohio canal, near Cleveland. The rules for submitting proposals and the terms of the contracts will be the same as those adopted at the commission's late meetings. Alfred Kelley, acting commissioner. (6)
Abstract 34 - H Feb. 23; adv:3/6
Proposals will be received up to Mar. 1, for the delivery of 5,000 perch of stone on the bank of the canal between Cleaveland and the Portage. Alfred Kelley, acting commissioner. (5)
Abstract 35 - H Mar. 30; adv:3/5
Proposals will be received at Coshocton until Apr. 17 next for the construction of that part of the canal extending from Goshen to Coshocton. Alfred Kelley, acting commissioner. (2)
Abstract 36 - H Mar. 30; adv:3/5
Every contractor who has a job on the canal between this place and Akron, and who does not put on a sufficient force by Apr. 3 next to insure completion by May 20 next, may expect to see his job put in other hands and monies retained applied to cover any extra expense. Alfred Kelley, acting commissioner. (3)
Abstract 37 - H Apr. 13; ed:3/1
We understand it is the determination of the canal commissioners to have the Ohio canal completed from Akron to this place, a distance of 36 miles, by June 1 next, and from Kendall, 65 miles distant, by Sept. 1.
"We have no doubt but they will accomplish their object.'It is a consummation devoutly to be wished' for the completion of even so small a part, will open a navigable communication between the rich, and as yet, a secluded country, and the Lake, and thus with New York.
"The growth of our village since the location of the Canal, has been very rapid, but not so rapid as it must necessarily be for a few years to come; indeed we know of no place that offers better prospects to industrious, enterprising mechanics than this." (8)
Abstract 38- H Apr. 20; ed:3/1
The trade of the western states is a prize worth contending for by the eastern cities, and that one which obtains it will secure to herself a channel through which will pour unceasing tides of wealth and consequent prosperity. New York, by construction of the Erie canal, has acquired great advantages over Philadelphia and Baltimore. Philadelphia, with the whole energies of the state of Pennsylvania, has taken measures to compete with New York by the construction of canals. Baltimore, never deficient in wealth or spirit, to obtain a portion of our trade proposes a railway to the Ohio river. New Orleans lays quietly, necessity will ere long compel her to woo us.
"This it is evident we have suitors enough, and as our affections are unengaged, the most generous, kind and courteous among them shall win us."(18)
H May, 25; ed:3/1 See Bonds & Stocks
Abstract 39 - H June 15; ed:3/1
H June 15; ed:3/1 Since the completion of the canals in New York the business of Albany and Troy has materially increased. At West Troy the tolls during the month of May last year amounted to $7,400, and during the same month this year they were $16,320.
"If this is anything like a correct index of the increase of the receipts of the present year, the anticipation of the Commissioners will be greatly exceeded."
Abstract 40 - H June 22; ed:3/1
The first canal boat will arrive from Akron at this place on July 4. The work on this section of the Ohio canal, which is about 38 miles in length and includes 42 locks, has for the last two months been progressing rapidly to the state of completion.
"It is expected that the arrival of the first canal boat will be celebrated in this village in a manner suitable to the importance of the event, and the interest it is calculated to excite. Many persons from abroad, and several persons of distinction, will probably attend."
H June 22:3/6 See Labor
(From Annals of Cleveland - 1818-1935, Volume X (1827), pages 81 through 83. Cleveland: Cleveland WPA. 1937.)
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Cleveland's First Infrastructure: the Ohio & Erie Canal from George Washington to Alfred Kelley
Last updated June 16, 1999