[note: for the digital edition, "abstract" has been included at the beginning of each reference line, and the name of the newspaper has been spelled out in the first reference line of each page.]
* Digitized Material *
Abstract 28 - H[erald] Feb. 17; ed:3/1,2
In the report of the Welland canal commissioners they contemplate the arrangement for business the ensuing season and point out the manner of reaching the markets through that route.
"Everyone interested in the welfare of Ohio or any portion of our country whose products seek a market through Lake Erie will be gratified with a prospect from any source, of increased prices for such products or enhanced facilities for transporting them to market.... If then, the promised early communication is afforded by the Welland Canal, we may confidently look to its operation for making Cleaveland a thoroughfare for the spring as well as fall trade of the interior, in both imports and exports." (14)
Abstract 29 - H Mar. 3; adv:3/6
A good canal boat for sale, nearly new, operated on the Ohio canal one season. She will be sold cheap for cash for the benefit of the underwriters. Apply to P. M. Weddell.
Abstract 30 - H Mar. 17:3/2
It is expected that our canal will be ready for navigation in a few days. (verbatim) (1)
Abstract 31 - H Mar. 31; adv:3/2
Transportation on the Ohio and Erie canals - Ohio line - Night and day.
The subscribers, proprietors of the above line, having made their arrangements for the present season, will continue to operate a line of boats from Cleaveland on the Ohio canal as far as navigable. Being connected with two first-rate lines of boats on the Erie canal, renders their facilities equal to any other line. They are enabled to say that all property confided to their care will be forwarded with dispatch. Their agents at New York will at all times be prepared to receive and contract for the delivery of merchandise at any point on the Ohio canal on as good terms as any other regular line. Trowbridge and Ogden. (7)
Abstract 32 - H Apr. 7:2/6
The Erie canal is ordered to be in readiness for navigation on the 15th instant. (verbatim) (1)
Abstract 33 - H Aug. 11:3/1
During the month of July there arrived at Cleaveland by way of the canal 8,111,840 pounds of property, while 1,648,709 pounds cleared. The tolls received by the collector of this port during the past month amounted to $2,299.40.
Up to Aug. 1, there had arrived here during the season by way of the canal 186,110 bushels of wheat and 44,721 barrels of flour. (4)
Abstract 34 - H Sept. 8:3/2
Last month 4,443,624 pounds of property arrived at Cleaveland by way of the canal. The clearances during the same month are reported as 1,893,546 pounds, while the tolls collected amounted to $2,635.865. (3)
Abstract 35 - H Oct 27; ed:3/1
In consequence of the heavy fall of rain during the past few days a breach was made in the embankment of the canal near this village on the four mile level, but by the prompt attention of the engineer the water will again be let in this afternoon.
"Experience thus far, has shown our Canal to be less liable to breaks than the New York Canal; whether this is owing to our Canal Commissioners having the advantage of the experiments made in building the New York Canal, or whether owing to the soil through which our Canal passes, being more favorable to canaling, we are unable to say; yet we were forcibly struck with one difference in the two Canals; the embankments in the Ohio Canal, on an average are considerably higher than those of the New York Canal. (3)
(From Annals of Cleveland - 1818-1935, Volume XIV (1831), pages 184 and 185. Cleveland: Cleveland WPA. 1937.)
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Cleveland's First Infrastructure: the Ohio & Erie Canal from George Washington to Alfred Kelley
Last updated June 16, 1999