Abstracts Concerning Canals

* 1834, Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 *
Cleveland Herald

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About the organization of this material

Each abstract begins with a "reference line," such as: 16 - CGCR July 31:2/3,4.
This is the code which the Annals staff used to identify the following information:

16 -- the number assigned to this abstract
CGCR -- the newspaper it was taken from (here, the Register)
July 31 -- the month and day it appeared in the paper
2/3,4 -- page 2, columns 3 and 4

An ed placed between the date and the page/column information (i.e. July 31; ed:1,2) means that the abstract is from an editorial. If adv appears in that location, it indicates that the abstract is from an advertisement.

For more information, please see the Introductory Materials from the Annals, and select the desired year and publication from the menu.

[note: for the digital edition, "abstract" has been included at the beginning of each reference line, and the name of the newspaper has been spelled out in the first reference line of each page.]

The material which follows was scanned from the original printed Annals, proof-read and corrected to replicate the original as closely as possible.

* Digitized Material *

Abstract 46 - H[erald] Jan. 4; ed:2/2,3

"The trade of the Ohio canal has so greatly augmented within a year or two past, that it is, of itself, becoming an object of no small importance to the neighboring States."

To secure this trade and that of the lakes during the last year has been the matter of some solicitude in Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania. So far New York has reaped nearly all the benefit from the canal, it having been made tributary to the improvements in that state, the fact being that the Erie and Ohio canals may be considered as one chain of communication.

Citizens of Pennsylvania have also been excited, and two routes were considered in that state; the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh delegates favoring the Mahoning route, but those favoring a more southern route remonstrated and they have requested co-operation of citizens of sections of Ohio and Virginia in procuring an extension of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to the Ohio canal.

The citizens of Cleveland, owing to their peculiar situation, have felt no particular interest in these movements. The construction of the improvements will have an effect upon the business and prosperity of this place, as well as New York.

The object of those advocating these works is to divert the trade of the Ohio canal from New York "and, in diverting it from New York, will it not also be diverted from Cleveland?" This is a question of considerable importance to our citizens, and one we would be glad to see settled before we become an advocate of the measure.

"The business done on the Ohio Canal, during the last year, when contrasted with that transacted the previous season, exhibits an increase which must be gratifying to all who are interested in the success of our works of internal improvement."

"Note. - Since the above was written, a notice has been handed in and which will be found in this issue, calling a meeting of our citizens for the purpose of memoralizing Congress to construct a ship canal between Lakes Erie and Ontario.

"The interest manifested on this subject, is evidence that our citizens are not unmindful of their true policy." (36)

Abstract 47 - H Jan. 4; adv:3/2

Notice - A public meeting will be held at the court house in this village on Jan. 10, to consider the propriety of memoralizing Congress to open a ship canal around the falls of Niagara, thus connecting Lakes Erie and Ontario. (verbatim) (1)

Abstract 48 - H Jan. 11:2/2

At a meeting of citizens of Cleveland yesterday, called to consider the propriety of memoralizing Congress in relation to the construction of a ship canal around the falls of Niagara, John M. Willey, Esq., was called to the chair, and John W. Allen, Esq., was appointed secretary. Messrs. Skinner, Beardsley, and J. S. Clark were appointed as a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Resolutions in favor of the canal were drawn, also that Peter M. Weddell, Charles M. Giddings, and John W. Allen be a committee to prepare and circulate for signature a memorial to Congress in accordance with the expression of the resolutions. (10)

Abstract 49 - H Jan. 18; ed:2/4

The result of a recent meeting at Oswego was a petition to Congress to appropriate a sum sufficient to construct a canal from Lewiston to a point north of Grand Island in the Niagara river. This work cannot be considered as merely internal improvement, but must be view also from a military standpoint. In addition to the military advantages to be derived from this work, the commerce of many states is deeply interested.

"The Canals of Ohio, the Mad River Rail Road, and the other great improvements of that section of the country will be channels flowing into the grant artery – the connected lakes; and the busy hum of the mill and manufactory will drown the noise of waterfall and ripple on the many brooks that are now dancing merrily over rock and pebbly bed."(7)

Abstract 50 - H May. 29:3/2

The Ohio canal between this place and Massillon is in navigable order. Several boats have arrived from the latter place. (verbatim) (1)

Abstract 51 - H May. 31:2/5

At a meeting of passengers on the CIRCLEVILLE, May 27, at which B. Rouse presided, while A. D. Nelson acted as secretary, a vote of thanks was tendered Capt. M. H. Turner for his gentlemanly conduct to them during the trip from Portsmouth to Cleveland. (2)

(From Annals of Cleveland - 1818-1935, Volume XVII (1834), page 156 and 157. Cleveland: Cleveland WPA. 1937.)

This ends the entries for the Cleveland Herald. Entries for the Cleveland Whig consist of the year 1835.

Next Page--entries from January 1 through December 31, 1835 (Whig).

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Last updated June 16, 1999